Oxford, Bodleian MS. Marsh. Or. 7: Letter - #12733

  • Details
Letter - #12733




Vertically rectangular

Traced with 1 movements

  • Main stem/downstroke - slanted
  • Main stem/downstroke - does not reach the baseline
  • Main stem/downstroke - wavy
  • Main stem/downstroke - with a drop in the middle
  • Main stem/downstroke - with tapering at the end
  • Main stem/downstroke - with a serif
  • Main stem/downstroke - with a head
  • Head - traced with the same movement as the stem
  • Head - placed to the left
  • Head - juncture with the stem has a butt
  • Head - parallel to the headline
  • Head - straight
  • Head - with bifurcation on the left
  • Serifs - short line
  • Serifs - hairline
  • Serifs - pointing downwards

Width: 18px
Height: 26px
Rotation: 0°
Area (w x h): 485px2
Ratio (w / h): 0.71
Coordinates (top, left): 483px, 719px