Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 4: Letter - #8571

  • Details
Letter - #8571

Letter - #8571

Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)




Traced with 2 movements

  • Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the base
  • Upper horizontal bar - shorter than the base
  • Upper horizontal bar - straight
  • Upper horizontal bar - with bifurcation
  • Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
  • Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
  • Right-hand downstroke - straight
  • Base - parallel to the upper bar
  • Base - longer than the upper bar
  • Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
  • Base - straight
  • Base - turns downwards on the left

Width: 16px
Height: 17px
Rotation: 0°
Area (w x h): 286px2
Ratio (w / h): 0.96
Coordinates (top, left): 261px, 589px