Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1

  • Details
  • Item Images (1)
  • Graphic Elements (51)
  • Specimens (2)

Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1

Biblioteca Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)

Item Nature




  • Brown (iron-gall)
  • Black (carbon based)
  • Pigments


There is ruling

Hard point

Presence of additional lines








14th Century CE


Italy, Ferrara



Subject Field

  • Bible
  • Bible commentary




The manuscript comes from the private collection of the Medici family.

Bibliothecae Mediceo-Laurentianae catalogus ab Antonio Maria Biscionio ... digestus atque editus, p. 62;

R. Mortara (ed.), MEIS versione Beth[a] : all'inizio di un percorso lungo 22 secoli, Museo Nazionale dell'Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah, Ferrara, 20 dicembre 2011- 5 febbraio 2012, Ferrara: Ferrara arte, 2011, p. 20;

M. M. Epstein, Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts, with contibutions by Eva Frojmovic [et al.], Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015, p. 39

Sfardata record:
https://sfardata.nli.org.il/#/manuscript/0E020 (accessed on 01/12/2023).

Item Images
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: 2v
Item image
Graphic Elements
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Abbreviation - #4189
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3919
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3920
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3924
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3925
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3926
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3929
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3933
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Decoration - #3941
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Justification - #3931
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Justification - #3938
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Justification - #3947
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Justification - #4184
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Justification - #4186
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Justification - #4305
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3918
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3921
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3922
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3923
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3927
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3928
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3930
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3932
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3937
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3939
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3940
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3942
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3945
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3946
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3952
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #3953
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4182
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4183
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4185
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4187
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4188
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4190
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4191
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4192
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4193
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4194
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4195
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4197
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4198
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4199
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4200
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4201
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4202
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Letter - #4203
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Ligature - #4196
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Punctuation - #3954
Item image
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Main text scribe; Vocaliser; Massorete - Non-square...
Biblioteca Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)
Florence, Laurenz. MS. Plut.2.1: Main text scribe; Vocaliser; Massorete - Square
Biblioteca Laurenziana (Florence, Italy)