Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53

  • Details
  • Item Images (1)
  • Graphic Elements (40)
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53

Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)

Item Nature




Brown (iron-gall)



There is ruling

Hard point

Framework only











Greece, Chios



Subject Field

Bible commentary




Ownership inscription on fol. 1r: "אליאו נחום במאו"ר ... שלמה" ; purchase note written by the scribe: "אלול הרל"ז בכיאו" "אני ישראל בכ"ר עזריא אשכנזי ספר מתא מקהלת כיאו מכרתי הספר הזה לכמ’ שלמה בכ"ר יצחק נחום יצ"ו" (fol. 121v).

Matteo Luigi Canonici's (1727-1805) collections passed to his brother Giuseppe, and on his death in 1807 to Giovanni Perissinotti and Girolamo Cardina, who divided them. To the former fell the MSS., then about 3550 in number, and, after many attempts to sell them, the Bodleian became the purchaser of the greater part in 1817, for £5444 5s. 1d., or including incidental expenses about £6030, the largest single purchase ever made by the Library. The formal list of volumes handed over was signed on May 18, 1817, and the books probably arrived later that year.

Neubauer, Adolf, Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1886), no. 85.

Beit-Arié, Malachi and R.A. May (eds), Catalogue of the Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; Supplement of Addenda and Corrigenda to Vol. I (A. Neubauer’s Catalogue) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), no. 85.

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(Accessed on 09/02/2024)

Ktiv record:
(Accessed on 09/02/2024)

Item Images
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: 3v
Item image
Graphic Elements
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Abbreviation - #8024
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Abbreviation - #8041
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Justification - #8035
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Justification - #8053
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8025
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8026
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8027
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8028
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8029
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8030
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8031
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8032
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8033
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8034
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8036
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8037
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8038
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8039
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8040
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8042
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8044
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8045
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8046
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8047
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8048
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8049
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8050
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8051
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8052
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8054
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8055
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8056
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8057
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8058
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Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8059
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8060
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Letter - #8061
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Ligature - #8022
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Ligature - #8023
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Ligature - #8043
Item image
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Main text scribe - Non-square (Beinoni)
Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Oxford, Bodleian MS. Canon. Or. 53: Main text scribe - Square
Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)