London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3401

  • Details
Letter - #3401

Letter - #3401

British Museum (London, United Kingdom)




Vertically rectangular

Traced with 3 movements

  • Main stem/downstroke - equal to the height of the line of writing
  • Main stem/downstroke - slanted to the right /
  • Main stem/downstroke - with a head
  • Base - traced with the same movement as the stem
  • Base - longer than the head
  • Base - slanted
  • Base - straight
  • Base - turns downwards at the left end
  • Head - traced as a separate movement from the stem
  • Head - placed centrally
  • Head - concave (rounded) ⋃

Width: 22px
Height: 24px
Rotation: 0°
Area (w x h): 545px2
Ratio (w / h): 0.94
Coordinates (top, left): 795px, 540px