London, BM 1974,1209.2
- Details
- Item Images (1)
- Graphic Elements (20)
- Specimens (1)
London, BM 1974,1209.2
Incantation Bowl 136204
British Museum (London, United Kingdom)
Item Nature
On an object
incantation bowl
No ruling
Width is diameter
- Hebrew
- Aramaic
Subject Field
Magic and Divination
Document Text
(1) ʾsyrytwn wḥtymytwn kwlkwn šydyn wdywyn wlylytʾ bhhwʾ ʾyswrʾ (2) qšyʾ ʿzyzʾ wtqypʾ (wmryrʾ) dʾsyrʾ {ṭyn} syṭyn wsyṭyn ʾdwr dʾmʾ prwk prq bysp bn (3) gwʾl lylytʾ byštʾ dmṭʿyʾ lybʾ dbny ʾynšʾ wmytḥzyʾ bḥylmʾ dlylyʾ wmytḥzyʾ bḥyzwnʾ (4) dymmʾ qlyʾ rmyʾ bnʾlʾ nplʾ qtlʾ drdqy wdrdqʾtʾ mrmwṣy wmrmwṣyʾtʾ kbyšh wḥtymh mn bytyh (5) wmn ʾysqwptyh dbhrm gwšnsp br ʾštd ʾnhyd bḥwmrtyh dmyṭṭrwn srʾ rbʾ dmytqry ʾsyʾ rbʾ drḥmy (mbrky) ʾšwnʾ (6) dhwʾ kbyš šydyn wdywyn wḥršyn byšyn wʿwbdyn tqypyn mn bytyh wmn ʾysqwptyh dbhrm gwšnsp br ʾštd ʾnhyd ʾmn ʾmn slh (7) kbyšyn hršyn byšyn wʿwbdyn tqypyn kbyšyn nsy ḥršʾtʾ ʾynyn ḥršyhyn wʿwbdyhwn wlwṭtyhwn wʾqrythwn mn ʾrbʿh myṣr ■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■ sp (8) br ʾštd ʾnhyd kbyšyn wdyšyn (nšy) ḥrštʾ kbyšyn bʾrʿh kbyšyn bšmyʾ kbyšyn mzlyhwn w(k)wkbyhwn ʾsyryn ʿwbdy dyhwn ʾmn ʾmn slh (transliteration after Segal 2000)
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(1) Bound and sealed are you, all you demons and devils and lilith(s), by that (2) hard, mighty and powerful and strong binding. For bound (are) SYṬYN and SYṬYN, Adur Dama Farruk, PRQ BYSP, son[s] of (3) GWʾL. Evil lilith that leads astray the heart(s) of human kind and appears in a dream by night and appears in a vision (4) by day, burning, casting down, by Nala as she falls, slaying boys and girls, (and) sucklings, male and female - be subdued and sealed, (away) from the house (5) and from the threshold of Bahram Gušnasp son of Aštad Anahid, by the talisman of Meṭaṭron, the great prince that is called the Great Healer of mercies that bless the season, (6) he that subdues demons and devils and evil enchanters and powerful magicians, (away) trom the house and from the threshold of Bahram Gušnasp son of Aštad Anahid. Amen Amen Selah. (7) Subdued be evil sorcerers and powerful magicians, subdued be the sorceresses, they, their sorceries and their magic and their curses and their invocations, from the four borders of [the house of Bahram Gušna]sp (8) son of Aštad Anahid. Subdued and trampled be the sorceresses, subdued on the earth and subdued in the heavens. Subdued be their constellations and their stars, bound be the works of their [h]ands. Amen Amen Selah. (translation after Segal 2000)
Inscription note: Inscribed in spiral from the centre outwards.
Vowels and Signs
No vowels or accents
This bowl was previously in private hands at Tehran where it was examined by Gordon in 1944/45 and the text published by Gordon in 1951 as his Bowl 1. It is paralleled by another in the Oriental Institute Chicago (A35804). Segal's edition was reviewed critically by Muller-Kessler 2001/02 and needs to be used cautiously and a new edition is forthcoming.
Acquisition date: 1974
Acquisition notes: This bowl was previously in private hands at Tehran where it was examined by Gordon in 1944/45 and the text published by Gordon in 1951.
(All information copied from British Museum archive)
Acquisition date: 1974
Acquisition notes: This bowl was previously in private hands at Tehran where it was examined by Gordon in 1944/45 and the text published by Gordon in 1951.
(All information copied from British Museum archive)
Bibliographic references
Segal 2000a / Catalogue of the Aramaic and Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the British Museum (068A)
Müller-Kessler C 2001/02 / Die Zauberschalensammlung des British Museum (pp.129-30)
Curtis 2000b / Mesopotamia and Iran in the Parthian and Sasanian Periods: Rejection and Revival c. 238 BC - AD 642 (Proceedings of a Seminar in memory of Vladimir G. Lukonin) (pl.31)
Gordon 1951 / Two Magic Bowls in Teheran (pp.306-309)
Segal 2000a / Catalogue of the Aramaic and Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the British Museum (068A)
Müller-Kessler C 2001/02 / Die Zauberschalensammlung des British Museum (pp.129-30)
Curtis 2000b / Mesopotamia and Iran in the Parthian and Sasanian Periods: Rejection and Revival c. 238 BC - AD 642 (Proceedings of a Seminar in memory of Vladimir G. Lukonin) (pl.31)
Gordon 1951 / Two Magic Bowls in Teheran (pp.306-309)
Item Images
London, BM 1974,1209.2: BM 136204

Graphic Elements
London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3381

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3382

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3383

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3384

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3385

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3386

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3387

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3388

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3398

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3399

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3401

Nun: final
London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3404

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3402

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3403

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3405

Pe: final
London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3431

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3406

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3407

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3432

London, BM 1974,1209.2: Letter - #3433

London, BM 1974,1209.2
British Museum (London, United Kingdom)