Kraków, ANK, sign. 658/1249: Letter - #3831
- Details
Letter - #3831
Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie (Kraków, Poland)
Kraków, ANK, sign. 658/1249: Main text scribe - Non-square (Beinoni)
Moses ben Efraim (משה ב̇ר̇ אפרים ז̇ל̇ה̇ה̇) (Date active: 1485)
- Upper horizontal bar - parallel to the headline
- Upper horizontal bar - equal to the base
- Upper horizontal bar - convex (rounded) ⋂
- Right-hand downstroke - traced with the same movement as the upper bar
- Right-hand downstroke - rounded juncture with the upper bar
- Right-hand downstroke - straight
- Base - parallel to the upper bar
- Base - equal to the upper bar
- Base - joins the right-hand downstroke with a butt
- Base - straight
Width: 12px
Height: 16px
Rotation: 0°
Area (w x h): 204px2
Ratio (w / h): 0.71
Coordinates (top, left): 305px, 339px